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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Heffren

The book of Samuel - SBS Teaching November 2020

Most of you probably know by now that I love historical narratives, so it is no surprises that I absolutely love Samuel. However, Samuel might be, and probably is, the greatest of all the Biblical narratives. It is a literary piece of Art. The plot and character development in this book is phenomenal, with a level of sophistication that I don’t think you see a lot of in ancient literature. You will not only see the beauty of intricate dialogue between characters, but the narrator will allow us to peer into the very hearts and thoughts of his subjects. The multifaceted personalities and traits of people like David, Saul, Michal, and Eli will be unpacked more than almost anyone anywhere in the Bible, and It will cause you to truly ponder who the good guys and the bad guys are in this story as humans of might and status come face to face with their deep moral flaws.

The book also just happens to have a lot of very entertaining material. Where else will you find men who purchase brides with foreskins, who can slay giants with a single stone, who secretly cut a man’s robe while he is wearing it and taking a poop? Or women who give birth at the sound of bad news, or ones who make fake husbands out of goat skins? Or perhaps even a villain who’s fatal act is getting his head stuck in a tree? It is legendary, HBO level material which has stayed in the minds of society for centuries.

Apart from its narrative artistry, Samuel also holds a key place in the history of Israel and a deep theological significance which can radically shape our entire perspective of the Old Testament. As Israel transitions from a theocracy to a monarchy, Samuel forces its readers to question who should be king and what the qualifications are. Should Israel have human kings? Why were Saul and David chosen to be kings? How can such a morally flawed, adulterer and absentee father, with a career riddled with Civil War, be considered a man after God’s own heart? Why should his children be on the throne?

Join with me as I unpack this narrative artistry and tackle these big questions which we find in the book of Samuel!

Below I have provided the recordings from my November 2020 teachings on this book, along with a could handouts that you may find helpful. If you can't listen to them all, I highly recommend my unpacking of 1 Samuel 8-12. It is a passage I believe to be very key in understanding many parts of the Old Testament, and one personally love to return to and reflect upon in a regular basis.

Samuel's Historical Background Part 1 (Introduction, Dating and Authorship) - Listen Here >>

Samuel's Historical Background Part 2 (Original Reader Mindset and Archeology) - Listen Here >>

A Timeline for Events and Authorship of Samuel

1 Samuel Chapters 1 to 7 - Listen Here >>

1 Samuel Chapters 8 to 12 - Listen Here >>

As mentioned in the 1 Samuel 8-12 recording, I have provided my Kings Grade sheet which you can use while reading through the book - View Handout Here >>

1 Samuel Chapters 13 to 20 - Listen Here >>

1 Samuel Chapters 21 to 30 - Listen Here >>

While Listening to this section you can also review my Comparison handout of 1 Samuel Chapters 24 and 26 - View Handout Here >>

1 Samuel Chapter 31 to 2 Samuel 7 - Listen Here >>

2 Samuel Chapters 8 to 24 - Listen Here >>

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